Maps And Vectors


This example demonstrates the following:

  • how to create a TpetraMap object that describes the distribution of other Tpetra object entries over processes; and
  • how to create the simplest kind of Tpetra linear algebra object: a Vector, whose entries are distributed over the process(es) in a communicator

This is a ForTrilinos implementation of the code example associated with Tpetra Lesson 02: Map and Vector, which should be consulted for background and theory.

Code example

The following example initializes Tpetra (MPI) then creates two distributed Tpetra Maps and some Tpetra Vectors, and does a few computations with the vectors


In the code example below, it is assumed the the following ForTrilinos modules are used

  • forteuchos: provides interfaces to the Trilinos’ Teuchos package
  • fortpetra: provides interfaces to the Trilinos’ Tpetra package
  • fortpetra_types: provides named constants of type default integer for
    Tpetra data types that can be used as the kind type parameters

The source code can be downloaded from here

! Copyright 2017-2018, UT-Battelle, LLC
! SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
! License-Filename: LICENSE
program main

#include "ForTrilinos_config.h"
#include "ForTrilinos.h"

use iso_fortran_env
use, intrinsic :: iso_c_binding
use forerror, only : get_fortrilinos_version
use forteuchos
use fortpetra

use mpi

implicit none

! -- Parameters
real(scalar_type), parameter :: one=1.d0, fortytwo=42.d0
integer(size_type), parameter :: num_vecs=1

! -- ForTrilinos objects
type(TeuchosComm) :: comm
type(TpetraMap) :: contig_map, contig_map2, contig_map3, cyclic_map
type(TpetraMultiVector) :: x, y, z

! -- Scalars
integer :: ierr
integer :: my_rank, num_procs, k
integer :: num_local_entries, num_elements_per_proc
integer(global_size_type) :: num_global_entries
logical :: zero_out
real(scalar_type) :: alpha, beta, gamma
real(mag_type) :: the_norm
real(mag_type), allocatable :: norms(:)
integer(global_ordinal_type), allocatable :: element_list(:)

! --------------------------------------------------------------------------- !

! Initialize MPI subsystem, if applicable
call MPI_INIT(ierr)
if (ierr /= 0) then
  stop "MPI failed to init"
comm = TeuchosComm(MPI_COMM_WORLD)
comm = TeuchosComm()

my_rank = comm%getRank()
num_procs = comm%getSize()

if (my_rank == 0) then
  write(error_unit, '(A,A)') "ForTrilinos version ", get_fortrilinos_version()

! Tpetra objects are templated on several parameters.  ForTrilinos
! provides concrete specializations of Tpetra objects and exposes them to
! Fortran users.  The module fortpetra provides named constants of type
! default integer for Tpetra data types that can be used as the kind type
! parameters.

! Tpetra has local and global Maps.  Local maps describe objects that are
! replicated over all participating MPI processes.  Global maps describe
! distributed objects.  You can do imports and exports between local and global
! maps; this is how you would turn locally replicated objects into distributed
! objects and vice versa.
! num_local_entries: The local (on the calling MPI process) number of
! entries (indices) in the first Map that we create.  ForTpetra
! expects a size_type for this value.
num_local_entries = 5

! num_global_entries: The total (global, i.e., over all MPI processes) number of
! entries (indices) in the Map.  ForTpetra expects global_size_t for this value.
! This type is at least 64 bits long on 64-bit machines.
! For this example, we scale the global number of entries in the Map with the
! number of MPI processes.  That way, you can run this example with any number
! of MPI processes and every process will still have at least one entry
num_global_entries = num_procs * num_local_entries

! Create some Maps.  All Map constructors must be called as a collective over
! the input communicator.  Not all Map constructors necessarily require
! communication, but some do, so it's best to treat them all as collectives.
! Create a Map that puts the same number of equations on each processor.  The
! resulting Map is "contiguous and uniform."
contig_map = TpetraMap(num_global_entries, comm)

! contig_map is contiguous by construction.  Test this at run time.
if (.not. contig_map%isContiguous()) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'Expected contiguous map!'
  stop 1
end if

! contig_map2: Create a Map which is the same as contig_map, but uses
! a different Map constructor.  This one asks for the number of entries on each
! MPI process.  The resulting Map is "contiguous" but not necessarily uniform,
! since the numbers of entries on different MPI processes may differ.  In this
! case, the number of entries on each MPI process is the same, but that doesn't
! always have to be the case.
contig_map2 = TpetraMap(num_global_entries, num_local_entries, comm);

! Since contig_map and contig_map2 have the same communicators, and the same
! number of entries on all MPI processes in their communicators, they are "the
! same."
if (.not. contig_map%isSameAs(contig_map2)) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'Expected conti_map and contig_map2 to be the same!'
  stop 1
end if

! contig_map3: Use the same Map constructor as contig_map3, but don't specify
! the global number of entries.  This is helpful if you only know how many
! entries each MPI process has, but don't know the global number.  Instead of
! num_global_entries, we use -1
contig_map3 = TpetraMap(TPETRA_GLOBAL_INVALID, num_local_entries, comm)

! Even though we made contig_map3 without specifying the global number of
! entries, it should still be the same as contig_map2.
if (.not. contig_map2%isSameAs(contig_map3)) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'Expected conti_map2 and contig_map3 to be the same!'
  stop 1
end if

! Create a Map which has the same number of global entries per process as
! contig_map, but distributes them differently, in round-robin (1-D cyclic)
! fashion instead of contiguously.

! We'll use the version of the Map constructor that takes, on each MPI process,
! a list of the global entries in the Map belonging to that process.  You can
! use this constructor to construct an overlapping (also called "not 1-to-1")
! Map, in which one or more entries are owned by multiple processes.  We don't
! do that here; we make a nonoverlapping (also called "1-to-1") Map.
num_elements_per_proc = 5
do k = 1, num_elements_per_proc
  element_list(k) = int(my_rank + k * num_procs, kind=global_ordinal_type)
end do
cyclic_map = TpetraMap(num_global_entries, element_list, comm)

! If there's more than one MPI process in the communicator, then cyclic_map is
! definitely NOT contiguous.
if (num_procs > 1 .and.  cyclic_map%isContiguous()) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'cyclic map should NOT be contiguous!'
  stop 1
end if

! contig_map and cyclic_map should always be compatible.  However, if the
! communicator contains more than 1 process, then contig_map and cyclic_map are
! NOT the same.
if (.not. contig_map%isCompatible(cyclic_map)) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'Expected contig_map to be compatible with cyclic_map!'
  stop 1
end if

if (num_procs > 1 .and.  contig_map%isSameAs(cyclic_map)) then
  write(error_unit, '(A)') 'contig_map should not be same as cyclic_map!'
  stop 1
end if

! We have maps now, so we can create vectors.

! Create a Vector with the contiguous Map.  This version of the constructor will
! fill in the vector with zeros.
x = TpetraMultiVector(contig_map, num_vecs)

! The two-argument copy constructor with second argument Teuchos::Copy performs
! a deep copy.  x and y have the same Map.  The one-argument copy constructor
! does a _shallow_ copy.
y = TpetraMultiVector(x, TeuchosCopy)

! Create a Vector with the 1-D cyclic Map.  Calling the constructor
! with false for the second argument leaves the data uninitialized,
! so that you can fill it later without paying the cost of
! initially filling it with zeros.
zero_out = .false.
z = TpetraMultiVector(cyclic_map, num_vecs, zero_out)

! Set the entries of z to (pseudo)random numbers.  Please don't consider this
! a good parallel pseudorandom number generator.
call z%randomize()

! Set the entries of x to all ones.
call x%putScalar(one)

alpha = 3.14159;
beta = 2.71828;
gamma = -10.0;

! x = beta*x + alpha*z
! This is a legal operation!  Even though the Maps of x and z are not the same,
! their Maps are compatible.  Whether it makes sense or not depends on your
! application.
call x%update(alpha, z, beta)

call y%putScalar(fortytwo)

! y = gamma*y + alpha*x + beta*z
call y%update(alpha, x, beta, z, gamma)
call y%update(alpha, x, beta)

! Compute the 2-norm of y.
call y%norm2(norms)

the_norm = norms(1)

! Print the norm of y on Proc 0.
if (my_rank == 0) then
    write(*, '(A,f8.3)') 'Norm of y: ', the_norm
end if

! Release objects created and no longer in use
call z%release()
call y%release()
call x%release()
call cyclic_map%release()
call contig_map3%release()
call contig_map2%release()
call contig_map%release()
call comm%release()

! Finalize MPI must be called after releasing all handles
call MPI_FINALIZE(ierr)

end program main