Usage ===== To use ForTrilinos as part of your CMake app, simply ensure that CMake can find it (using the standard ``CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH`` or ``ForTrilinos_ROOT`` environment variables, or the ``ForTrilinos_ROOT`` CMake variable); and add .. code:: cmake find_package(ForTrilinos) An example application that uses ForTrilinos and MPI-provided Fortran bindings might look like: .. code:: cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.12) project(ForTrilinosInstallTest VERSION 0.0.1 LANGUAGES Fortran) find_package(ForTrilinos) add_executable(downstream-app downstream-app.F90) target_link_libraries(downstream-app ForTrilinos::ForTrilinos MPI::MPI_Fortran) and the ``downstream-app.F90`` app will simply need .. code:: fortran use forteuchos use fortpetra