Getting started with ForTrilinos ================================ Overview -------- `ForTrilinos `_ is an open-source software library providing object-oriented Fortran interfaces to `Trilinos `_ C++ packages. The new implementation using SWIG code generation started in late 2016 and is currently under active development. As of version 2.0.0, the documented ForTrilinos module interfaces are stable and available for downstream consumption. See :ref:`version` for details on Trilinos version compatibility. ForTrilinos Development Team ---------------------------- ForTrilinos is developed and maintained by: * `Seth Johnson `_ * `Andrey Prokopenko `_ Former developers include: * `Tim Fuller `_ * `Karla Morris `_ * `Damian Rouson `_ Questions, Bug Reporting, and Issue Tracking -------------------------------------------- Questions, bug reporting and issue tracking are provided through `ForTrilinos GitHub repository `_. The recommended way to report any bug is by creating a new issue in the repository. You can also ask questions by creating a new issue with the question tag.